PetronPay Review – Watch Out For This Scam!

Broker status Unregulated
Regulated by Unlicensed
Scammers Websites
Blacklisted as a Scam by N/A
Owned by N/A
Headquarters Country N/A
Foundation year N/A
Supported Platforms N/A
Minimum Deposit 25 USD
Cryptocurrencies N/A
Types of Assets N/A
Maximum Leverage No info
Free Demo Account N/A

What is PetronPay?

PetronPay is a platform for investing that promises to make you money. You can invest in oil (petroleum) and get up to 2.5% per day returns.

Minimum investment: 25 USD

You can also earn money by referring active users to the platform’s referral program. You can win prizes like paid trips or a percentage of their deposits.

PetronPay is expected to be located in Zurich (Switzerland).

The important question is: Can you trust PetronPay to manage your money? Is it a good investment opportunity?

Is PetronPay legal?

PetronPay is not legitimate. You don’t need to believe us when we say that, as it is a statement by the Swiss financial regulator FINMA.

PetronPay claims it is based in Switzerland but it isn’t registered as a company there. It also doesn’t have the license for investment services. Therefore, PetronPay was banned by the FINMA.

PetronPay sells investment contracts which are securities. Therefore, it requires authorizations from financial regulators. It does not have any authorization, so it is illegal to offer investment services.

This is enough to make it a reason not to do so.

PetronPay scam

Petron Pay is a fraud. You don’t usually need to see the FINMA warning to understand Petron Pay.

It is absurd to think that oil investing could yield 2.5% per day. This would be 75% per month. That’s a return that most of the world’s largest investment firms won’t achieve in a single year. They won’t make that monthly.

This is something we repeat in every review. However, it’s a good rule of thumb. You can tell if you see promises of more than 1% daily returns that it is a scam. This is especially true if the company offering financial services isn’t authorized.

This is a quick way to identify scams. Most of the time it takes less than a minute to realize that you are dealing in a scam. Then you can move on.

What PetronPay does really work

Many people argue with us that a program they call a scam is not a scam, because it pays. It is false. These frauds can be referred to as Ponzi schemes.

They simply take money from new members to pay their older members. They do not create new value or profit, they just redistribute the money from certain people.

They can often afford to pay the profits over a period of time because the initial amount of money flowing into these pyramids was growing. It is only for a short time, because the model is not sustainable and will eventually fail.

Even if you make some money in a Ponzi scheme it will always mean that many other people will be scammed and lose. Do you not want your income to be based on the scamming of others?

You never know when a Ponzi scheme such as PetronPay will collapse. It could happen at any moment, even right after you have made your deposit. These scams are extremely dangerous and you should immediately avoid them.

Chargeback Is Your Solution!

A chargeback is the retroactive cancellation and refund of a charge made using your credit card, wire transfer or some other payment methods.

By putting together a compelling chargeback strategy from beginning to end, victims of online fraud have a relatively high probability of recovering some of all of their funds lost.

However, using a trustworthy service such as MyChargeBack is critical in this endeavour as a typical chargeback process can often be complex and drawn out without the right guidance.

Request a free consultation today by clicking the button below!

Free consultation

What is a chargeback?

Chargebacks are a way for your bank to recover funds from the merchant. We recommend that you contact us immediately to begin the process. We will have a free consultation to discuss how we can recover your money right away!

PetronPay: Video

Below you will find a short video about PetronPay. Watch it so you don’t miss anything important. In a few minutes you’ll learn the whole truth about PetronPay!


  • What Is Petronpay?

    Petronpay claims itself as a safe investment platform. It offers a higher daily ROI (Return On Investment) That ranges from 0.2% to 2.5%.

  • How Does Petronpay Work?

    They offer investment plans (see below in this review) users can choose based on the amount of money they want to make or their pocket power.

  • Petronpay offers products or services that affiliates can sell and make money.

    PP does not sell any retail products or services. To make money with PetronPay, affiliates or members can only promote PetronPay memberships to their clients.

  • Petronpay’s Compensation Plan

    Pertonpay offers a uni-level compensation plan down to 6 levels and there are multiple streams of income they promise to its affiliates.
