Kaizen Tech Limited Review: A Website Filled with False Information


Kaizen Tech Limited asserts its status as a well-known investment company headquartered in Switzerland. Its website presents a diverse array of investment opportunities, including Forex currency pairs, real estate, and loans. However, the crucial question remains: Is this enterprise subject to regulatory oversight?

Our investigative efforts have delved into the legal aspects surrounding this questionable online platform, unearthing some startling findings. Dive into the comprehensive examination of Kaizen Tech Limited in our exclusive review to uncover the truth.

Legal Considerations: Is Kaizen Tech Limited Subject to Regulation? 

Kaizen Tech Limited asserts its Swiss base, even providing a certificate from the Swiss Commercial Register (uid.admin.ch) on its website. However, it’s essential to note that this certificate belongs to KAIZEN Sàrl, a separate entity distinct from Kaizen Tech Limited.

This discrepancy came to light when the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) issued a regulatory warning against Kaizen Tech Limited. FINMA explicitly clarifies that Kaizen Tech Limited should not be confused with KAIZEN Sàrl.

While there is indeed a Kaizen Tech Limited registered in the UK, it operates in areas such as web portals, graphic design, IT outsourcing, and more – significantly different from the fraudulent activities we’re investigating.

To safeguard your investments, it’s imperative to avoid unlicensed entities like Kaizen Tech Limited and Ibinex. Instead, opt for reputable and recognized financial market authorities for regulated platforms, including the FCA (UK), FINMA (Switzerland), ASIC (Australia), CFTC & NFA (US), CySEC (Cyprus), among others.

Who Falls Victim to Kaizen Tech Limited? 

As per information from godaddy.com/whois, the kaizentechlimited.com domain was registered on February 10, 2023. Over the past several months, this fraudulent operation has been targeting unsuspecting traders primarily in the following countries:

  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Austria
  • United Kingdom

Kaizen Tech Limited has adopted a deceptive facade in its attempt to deceive European traders. Thankfully, the Swiss FINMA has exposed the falsehoods propagated by this fraudulent entity and cautioned traders against falling into its trap.

If you’ve been a victim of the Kaizen Tech Limited scam, rest assured that assistance is available for fund recovery.

Trader Feedback 

Our investigation extended to popular forums like trustpilot.com to gauge traders’ sentiments about this platform. Upon visiting the page, Trustpilot promptly alerted us to the fact that “this company has been pressuring people to change or remove their negative reviews from Trustpilot.”

This revelation casts doubt on the legitimacy of any positive reviews attributed to Kaizen Tech Limited. Meanwhile, real reviews in recent weeks have increasingly voiced frustration and dissatisfaction, accusing the firm of misappropriating their funds.

Based on these reviews, it appears that the fraudulent scheme may have been conducted through a private Telegram channel. Furthermore, Kaizen Tech Limited has received a notably low trust score on webparanoid.com.


Kaizen Tech Limited presents itself as a reputable investment firm based in Switzerland, but a deeper investigation reveals a web of deception. The company’s claim of association with the Swiss Commercial Register is debunked, as the provided certificate belongs to a different entity altogether.

The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has issued a warning against Kaizen Tech Limited, emphasizing the clear distinction between it and the legitimate entity KAIZEN Sàrl. Furthermore, the existence of a similarly named company in the UK engaged in unrelated activities underscores the fraudulent nature of the operation.

To protect one’s investments, it is imperative to steer clear of unregulated entities like Kaizen Tech Limited and Investo Capital FX. Instead, opt for platforms regulated by respected financial market authorities, such as the FCA (UK), FINMA (Switzerland), ASIC (Australia), CFTC & NFA (US), or CySEC (Cyprus).

This investigation reveals that Kaizen Tech Limited has been targeting traders in several European countries, employing deceptive tactics to lure them into its scheme. Thankfully, the vigilance of Swiss FINMA has shed light on the true nature of this operation, cautioning traders against falling victim.

Feedback from traders paints a grim picture, with a notable number expressing frustration and alleging financial misconduct by Kaizen Tech Limited. The discovery that the company attempted to influence reviews on Trustpilot raises serious concerns about its credibility. The utilization of a private Telegram channel for the fraudulent scheme further indicates a calculated effort to evade scrutiny.

In light of these findings, it is clear that Kaizen Tech Limited is not a trustworthy investment platform. Caution and due diligence are paramount, and individuals who have already fallen victim to this scam should seek assistance for fund recovery. Remember, vigilance and adherence to regulatory standards are key in navigating the complex landscape of investment opportunities.

Kaizen Tech Review: The Truth Behind the Claims


  • What is the Nature of Kaizen Tech Limited?

    Kaizen Tech Limited presents itself as a reputable Swiss investment firm promising attractive daily returns.

  • Is Kaizen Tech Limited Trustworthy or Deceptive?

    Kaizen Tech Limited is unequivocally deceptive. It has been flagged and blacklisted by the Swiss regulatory authority, FINMA.

  • What is the Expected Withdrawal Processing Time with Kaizen Tech Limited?

    As per the website, withdrawal requests are claimed to be processed within seven hours. Nevertheless, it's vital to emphasize that this website is fraudulent. If you've encountered issues, we can assist you in recovering your funds!
