BinBot Pro Review – Is Bot Scamming People?


What Is BinBot Pro and Is It Trustworthy?

BinBot PRO offers automated binary options trading robots that will work on your behalf. You can also use trading robots to trade other assets, including cryptocurrencies. But BinBot PRO is not regulated. The software is not regulated by any authorized bodies and there is no information about this on the website.

Terms of Trade With BinBot Pro

The site is very simple – it’s presented as a single page. There are no reviews, statistics or other useful information on the site. Such a site in a day can make even a novice programmer. This does not inspire confidence in BinBot PRO.

Once on the BinBot PRO website, you are offered to register and choose one of the 4 partner brokers that you can see in the picture below:



The brokers are BinaryCent, VideForex, RaceOption and iQcent. The brokers seem to be part of the same Financial Group Corp, have similar trading conditions, and all are in a lower tier brokerage firm. The minimum deposit at each of the brokers is $250.

We have studied the offered brokers and none of them caused trust. Most traders write in their reviews that somehow you deposit money and get “profit”, technical support just closes your account.

We also recently did a review of another fraudulent broker. You can read all the exposing evidence here.

Analyzing the BinBot Pro Site

First, the rewards. As far as we know, the bot was developed in 2016, but as you can see on their website, it won an award as “Best Binary Robot” in the same year.

fake awards bin bot pro

It is unknown by whom this award was given. Worthy ones have to be earned, they don’t get them in the first year. We conclude that this is a hoax to gain the trust of future victims. BinBot Pro has displayed fake rewards on its website. We could not find any source that provided information on the rewards.

Secondly, the video at the top of the page tells us about the success of the trading bot and how you can multiply your deposit by several times in just a couple of hours by just running the robot.

And here there is a huge contradiction. After all, at the bottom of the site it is stated that BinBotPro has no license and is not authorized to provide advice on investments and related matters. The information on the website is not and should not be construed as investment advice. Any trading decisions you make are solely your responsibility. It is not a licensed trading bot. Thus, the automated bot is not regulated by any regulatory commission.


Inaccessibility to Citizens of the USA – Complete Lie

The fine print also states that BinBotPro nor its agents or partners are not registered and do not provide any services on the US territory. In spite of this, the Internet is full of reviews from American citizens. This only shows that all the stages of verification are fake and designed to “blur the eyes” of gullible newcomers. And also the goal of the scammers is to collect your personal data to use for their own purposes. At the moment it is unknown who is the developer of BinBot Pro and its owner.


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Feedback From Traders on Independent Forums

Some reviews say that traders have not been able to withdraw their money. For example, here is one of the victims:


Note what country the victim is from. He is from America. Although earlier we said that the bot is supposedly unavailable for the US.

BinBot Pro: Video

Below you will find a short video about BinBot Pro. Watch it so you don’t miss anything important. In a few minutes you’ll learn the whole truth about BinBot Pro!


  • What is BinBot Pro?

    BinBot PRO offers automated binary options trading robots that will work on your behalf.

  • Does Binbot Pro Have Any Awards?

    Bin Bot Pro claims 3 awards, but provides no proof of their authenticity anywhere. We believe that all awards are fake.

  • How to Trade With Bin Bot Pro?

    You must register with one of BinBot Pro partner brokers and make a minimum deposit of $250. You cannot download a bot and trade with it at your broker.

  • Is Binbot Pro a Reliable Bot?

    At least BinBot Pro is not licensed and is not responsible for your losses, although it claims to be able to help you make automatic trades and multiply your capital several times in just a few hours.
