Bitcoin Evolution Review 2023 – Scammers Hunts Novice Traders


What is Bitcoin Evolution?

Bitcoin Evolution is an automated trading software that, as the website claims, allows ordinary people like you to make thousands of dollars by trading bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. The software’s algorithm will scan the cryptocurrency markets and quickly and accurately identify potentially profitable trading opportunities.

Is Bitcoin Evolution Legit or Scam?

Bitcoin Evolution serves as one among several marketing funnels employed by different brokers to attract fresh customers. The specific broker you ultimately sign up with, as well as its regulatory status, might not even hold significance. In certain instances, these funnels might not even have any affiliation with a legitimate broker and instead function as online simulations. These marketing tactics frequently violate basic marketing standards, both ethically and morally, by making enticing promises of effortless profits and more.

Various websites with the name Bitcoin Evolution can be found on Google, each with its unique domain. All of these websites claim to be the original providers of the Bitcoin Evolution program.

Our efforts to gather information about the team behind Bitcoin Evolution and the operating company of the platform have been unsuccessful. It is common for this type of software to be developed by anonymous individuals or entities.

Bitcoin Evolution primarily functions as a trading application, essentially acting as an automated robot that executes trades on behalf of the trader. It’s important to note that Bitcoin Evolution itself is not a broker and therefore does not need to obtain licenses from recognized regulators. However, users must have an account with a broker in order to utilize the application. Unfortunately, the website does not specify which brokers are compatible with the trading system. Users are likely to be directed to partner brokers, some of which may lack proper licensing. It is crucial to thoroughly research the broker’s legal address and licensing before proceeding. It is advisable to choose only trustworthy and reliable brokers.

Choose only trustworthy and reliable brokers. You can read about the best ones in our article Best online brokers in 2023.

Bitcoin Evolution: Account Types

Bitcoin Evolution scam
Bitcoin Evolution operates in a distinct manner compared to traditional brokers, as it does not provide various account types. Instead, users are required to make a minimum deposit of $250 to gain access to the app. It is important to note that the Bitcoin Evolution website emphasizes that the platform itself is completely free to use. The deposit of $250 is solely utilized to initiate cryptocurrency trading on behalf of the user. However, users have the option to deposit more based on their trading preferences and goals.

What Warnings Are Issued by the Financial Authorities for Bitcoin Evolution?

Currently, no regulatory warnings have been issued against Bitcoin Evolution. However, it is important to note that this situation could change in the future. We will continue to monitor any further developments regarding this matter.

We would like to caution you that any links you come across in search engine results related to the platform may consistently vary, even though the trading platform’s name remains the same. The website design might also differ, often appearing as a landing page without providing any legal information.

Pay great attention to the design of the site. It looks like a common fraud scheme, looks like a one-day site. While some websites have slight textual or graphic modifications, others are completely clones. We strongly recommend to read our reviews of other similar scams – Bitcoin 360 AI, Bit Index AI, Bitcoin Era. If you go to other reviews, you will find that other applications have an exact copy of the Bitcoin Evolution site.

Bitcoin Evolution scam

This particular scheme has gained considerable popularity, and we have identified several versions and cloned websites that currently hold prominent positions in Google search results. Furthermore, numerous positive reviews on Google direct users to third-party sites that share similarities with various others, albeit with distinct domains.

Various affiliate networks are actively engaged in competing for improved visibility on search engines. As a result, you will come across numerous websites linked to Bitcoin Evolution, each claiming to be the “official” one. These websites are affiliated with different contracts-for-difference (CFD) brokers, and corresponding arrangements are established accordingly.

Chargeback Is Your Solution!

A chargeback is the retroactive cancellation and refund of a charge made using your credit card, wire transfer or some other payment methods.

By putting together a compelling chargeback strategy from beginning to end, victims of online fraud have a relatively high probability of recovering some of all of their funds lost.

However, using a trustworthy service such as MyChargeBack is critical in this endeavour as a typical chargeback process can often be complex and drawn out without the right guidance.

Request a free consultation today by clicking the button below!


What Should I Do If I Become a Victim of Bitcoin Evolution?

We understand the distress and concern you may be experiencing. Falling victim to scams can have significant financial consequences. Taking prompt action is crucial to prevent the fraudster from profiting at your expense and to work towards recovering your misappropriated funds. We strongly advise you to contact us immediately for effective assistance.

Our dedicated team of legal experts is ready and available to support individuals in your situation. You can reach out to us at any time, and we will leverage our resources to attentively listen to your concerns and provide expert guidance.


  • Is Bitcoin Evolution a scam?

    Yes, Bitcoin Evolution is a scam that promises unrealistic profits in a short period of time. They take people's money as soon as they make a deposit and give no chance to get it back.

  • How does Bitcoin Evolution work?

    According to Bitcoin Evolution, they use automated trading robots that use an advanced algorithm to understand the cryptocurrency market. They promise to make money for you, but they actually take your money as soon as you make a deposit and give you no chance of getting it back.

  • Who runs Bitcoin Evolution?

    It is unclear who is behind the Bitcoin Evolution scam. The site provides no information about who owns the company or where it is located. This is a red flag that may indicate that the company is not transparent and not trustworthy.

  • What is the Minimum Deposit with Bitcoin Evolution?

    To get access to the app, you have to deposit $250.
