Inverforx Review – Sole Strategy Utilized Concentrates on Misappropriating Finances


This unregulated investment platform seeks to gain your trust through enticing promises of rapid passive income. Claiming expertise in international investment strategies, this dubious financial service provider endeavors to present their products as groundbreaking and their wealth consultants as highly skilled.

However, the reality paints a different picture, as several notable regulatory authorities have blacklisted this company for offering their products and services without proper authorization.

It is crucial to thoroughly examine this Inverforx review to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and information, ensuring you do not fall prey to this appealing investment scheme.

Authorities Confirm It’s a Scam 

Operating in the financial industry entails that every service provider must obtain a license before offering their services. In the case of the Invertforx scam, the website aims to create an illusion of professionalism and sophistication through false claims.

To begin with, the company asserts that it has its headquarters in Mexico and an office in Switzerland. However, as expected, neither of the regulatory bodies in these jurisdictions, CNMB or FINMA, has granted them licenses. In a thorough examination of various databases in search of any potential licenses, we discovered nothing but public warnings.

The regulators that have blacklisted this fraudulent platform include CNMV, CONSOB, A-TVP, FI, and IOSCO (independent). When a regulator makes such a statement, it’s a definitive verdict – this firm is an unscrupulous entity lacking adequate fund protection, compensation plans, or negative balance insurance.

Deceptive Promises of Sky-High Returns 

Who wouldn’t be enticed by the idea of effortlessly earning extra money while an experienced trader manages your investments? This is one of the initial falsehoods that a persuasive boiler room agent may employ to entice you. However, reality operates on a different plane.

While the promises of substantial bonuses and annual returns may appear too good to be true, they are indeed far from reality. The sole objective of these deceitful agents is to persuade you to invest, and they won’t hesitate to resort to any means, including a barrage of lies, emotional manipulation, mind games, and persistent phone calls, to achieve their goal.

Vulnerable Targets 

Typically, it’s less experienced investors who are lured in by the deceptive promises of substantial passive income. However, it’s essential to recognize that no one is entirely immune if they encounter a sufficiently skilled fraudster.

Here is a list of countries where the highest number of investors have fallen victim to scams since the company’s inception in 2021:

  • Mexico
  • United States
  • Spain
  • Colombia
  • Canada

If you’ve been victimized, there’s no need to feel embarrassed about seeking assistance. We offer legal support to all defrauded investors who wish to reclaim their funds.


In conclusion, Inverforx presents a troubling scenario as an unregulated investment platform. It employs deceptive tactics to attract investors, promising high returns and passive income. However, these promises are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, and numerous regulatory authorities have blacklisted the company for its unlicensed operations.

The company’s unscrupulous practices have attracted victims worldwide, with investors in countries like Mexico, the United States, Spain, Colombia, and Canada being among those defrauded. It’s essential to remain vigilant and cautious when considering any investment opportunity, especially when faced with enticing but unrealistic claims.

If you’ve fallen victim to this scam, seeking legal support is a viable option to try and recover your funds. Remember that in the world of finance, due diligence and skepticism can go a long way in protecting your hard-earned money from fraudulent schemes like Inverforx.

Inverforx Review: Unveiling the Reality of the Investment Scheme


  • What Is Inverforx?

    Inverforx is an illicit financial service provider operating as an investment scheme. If you're seeking assistance to recover your investments, our legal experts can offer their support.

  • Is Inverforx Legitimate?

    No, Inverforx is not a legitimate entity, and it has been blacklisted by several Tier 1 financial authorities for operating without the required licenses.

  • What Trading Platforms Does Inverforx Offer?

    The website does not provide any trading platforms for users.
